6 lessons I learnt through my life
Hi friends, today in this post I'm gonna tell you about some lessons I learnt in my life so far, those lessons are the ones that come to my mind while writing this post, so of course there is more, as life is a school filled with lessons to be learnt.
1. You need people in your life
In the past, I was a vivid believer that I can survive life alone and I need no one to complicate my life more. But later in life and especially when I start to look at successful people-especially those who are financially successful- in the real life around me-not through screens only, I realized that they really know a lot of people and they have good relation with them and a lot of their success in their businesses are basically based upon the social networks they build around them.
And this is how I realized that I'm not gonna be successful with that mindset of I can handle life all alone.
Life can't be handled without others whom will give that job, know someone who can give the job, or those who have an opportunity for you to travel and so on.
I remember an author called Barbara Sher once said:
"Isolation is the dreams killer."
Declaring our dreams publicly is the thing that will make them come into fruition, because there will always be people who will get us to them or who will get us farther in the way towards them.
All of this lead me to this quote:
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."―African Proverb.
2.being in the now
problems like anxiety, worrying, depression and sadness all happens-the serious mental health are not what I mean here- because our mind is so focused either at the past or the future.
If we shift the focus to be in the now miracles will happen to us. In the real now there are no problems at all. The real now is totally perfect.
There are many ways to success at being in the moment, it doesn't has to be only by practicing mediation-though that meditation will help you to deepen the other experiences of being in the moments and will provide you with its unique presence and silence.
You can do this by practicing mindfulness, which is focusing on the task in your hand. I wrote about it when I was talking about habits that have changed my life. You can find the post here
3.confidence is required as a qualification of any kind of thing a person want to do
You may have all the skills you need in the world to do a certain task, but if you don't have a confidence in yourself that you can do it and what you do is really good and unique and valuable and that you deserve the position ,you are not gonna success at doing it.
You will be your own self barrier that will prevent you from doing the task, and even if it happened and you find yourself doing it with the lack of confidence, you will not do as good as you really can, because all of the doubting questions that are dwelling in your head.
So confidence is a meta skill which if required alone will help you to tick a lot of different tasks in your life.
4.The reality has endless amount of perspectives and all of them are happening in the same time
The reality isn't one face, you can look at it from different angles, you have the ability to change the perspective you're seeing through it in any moment.
Although this fact is always given when you're feeling pessimistic as an advice, and the famous quote is throwing on your way:
"Focus on the filled part of the cup."And the other modified form of this quote which is:
"The physician says that glass is not empty at all- it is half-filled with water and half-filled with air- hence, fully filled on the whole!"But even though I want to tell you this fact life is not all good, even if you are feeling so optimistic. Because if you only limit your self to this way of looking at life, you will feel happy shortly but not in the long run, life will hit you, you will be so shocked, you'll not even be willing to try to be optimistic again.
But let me continue because there is another thing you must know, because if you put this last fact in your concern without knowing it you'll fall into a real depression. this has happened to me, and I don't want you to fall into the same suffering.
The sweet spot of all this is to be optimist, yeah, but with awareness and intention. You're not being blindly optimistic and you're not trying to fake truths that you're clearly not seeing to feel that hyper happiness that being optimistic blindly gives, you are choosing it intentionally.
And also you must put in your mind that there are real dark moments in life, but only accepting them as they are will carry them away and make them lighter, even though nothing is changed about them, but that acceptance process has removed all the fake dark thoughts your ego let you think about and trick you into associating them with these moments
5. No one will put you first, you have to do this yourself
People in this life are already busy with themselves and their own lives, so they are not available, able and willing to put you first even if they really want to.
You're the one who is responsible for your own life, no one is, and no one has to, and no one will. so stop waiting for someone, others, your friends or your family to give you all, to be dedicated to you merely, because even if they truly want to, this is not possible.
You are here for your own self before anything else, so always choose your self first, even if putting yourself first in certain situations means putting it second.
6. You can't be the best at everything
We are stressing ourselves too much over why we are not good at this, and this and this. but in the fact we all have the same amount of time, and in order to get truly good at something you need to dedicate a really much amount of time for it, this is why you're not and you will not be the best at everything in life.
the common saying that:
"You're limitless"or
"The sky is the limit"
Is true but this fact is said in regard of all humanity not every individual by meaning, and that it's true you as individual is limitless and you can do any thing you put yourself in, but any is not the same as every.
So the next time you notice that you're not the best at something accept this fact and put it in your mind that you don't have and can't be the best at every thing, and know that everyone is like you, they have things, and really a lot of things that they are not the best at it.So don't let this make you feel less and know that you also have things that you're so good at, as others has too, but it's not everything
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