My current morning routine + What I don't like about it.

Hello everyone,

In this post I would like to talk about my current morning routine or what I thought is my current morning routine, stick till the end and you'll know what I mean because I'm trying to make this so authentic.

Maybe this's not what you're looking for, but maybe it's, so it would be nice if we can pull a Lil discussion in the comments below after reading the post.

So for days my morning routine seemed to look like this, or some days and the other days one thing or two will slip off:


First I'll wake up

In the past it was at 6 a.m, then it got to 8, then now it's 10, but it can get till 11 sometimes. all over the place as you can see.

TBH I might even wake up earlier and just stay in bed.

The thing is, the part of the waking-up time is the worst one for me, but I learned to accept it and try to work with it day by day as much as I can.

Secondly is drinking water, and opening the windows

I drink it from a water bottle beside my bed and I open the windows.

The step of opening the window has made it so much easier to wake up-I mean the actual part of being more alert.


Then I'll pick up my journal and start journaling (to give you a little perspective I have my desk and a small table beside my bed, my journal will be on the table and my pens and the water bottle is on the desk).


After journaling, I'll get out of bed to brush my teeth.


Then I'll come back to my room to pray.

Bed making

And after that, I'll make my bed.

Breakfast and face care

Then I'll get out of the room to the kitchen to make my breakfast and I will wash my face while making the breakfast or after doing it-depending on what's the breakfast that day, however, it's not that lots of options for breakfast, for now, they are only 3, but they still differ.

After this, I'll take breakfast to the room and complete my skincare routine.


I'll eat by then, but while eating my breakfast, I'll either watch a you-tube video or listen to the news.

The goal is always to listen to the news but I just can't find a way that I'm liking right now, so this habit slips from time to time, so if you have any suggestion of how to better know what's going in the world tell me down below as well, I'll be happy to learn how you too do this.

In this step, procrastination might pick up and I may be lost in my phone, this's to be noted.

Hair care

However after this, I'll take care of my hair, you don't know guys how a made-up hair makes me so much ready for the day.

(A very side tip here, when you first wake up in the morning tighten your hair, it'll make you feel awake and more ready with such a simple thing, and the vice versa for when you go to bed).


After this, I'll write a to-do list for the day, a very normal to-do list.

I'll include in it even the normal things like lunch and dinner to better visualize my day and not overbook myself.

I also include the stuff I did in the morning routine, not everything(for example the window opening part), but quite the stuff that takes effort and time from me (like skincare and hair care).

And I just check them, because I already did them.

You might ask what's the purpose, and I don't know, but sometimes I feel like recording everything I have done, even though I rarely look at them after, just for my mind peace.

Some days I'll only write the key pieces, and sometimes I'll start at the mid of the day, and some days I'll even start writing before the end of my morning routine- because making to-do lists can feel so exciting sometimes.

However, I want to put it out there that I'll usually have a list of tasks in my weekly spread page but only with the key stuff, and this one is the detailed one.

We talked a lot about this point, so let's get into the next.


Some days if I don't wake up late I'll find it justified to spend about 30 to 40 minutes reading, but a lot of time this will not happen due to waking up late problems or staying in bed ones.


I wasn't so much into music in the past, but I started recently to pop on some music here and there while I'm doing these habits and some days I'll not, depending on my mood, but they can be so uplifting.

The Tricky Part......

Coming to the tricky part I was talking about at the beginning of this post, why this used to be my morning routine?

First I used to have longer and prolonged morning routines before this, this's a very simplified one, although it can get simpler.

However, it's hard for me to say no for some stuff and I'm always taken by their benefits, but life can't always be around morning routines.

It's not necessary this case for everyone, but it became like this to me.

My routines used to take too many hours, for example, this last one can be done in less than 2 hours but sometimes it took me up to 3 hours, and if I included reading after it, it'll take more than 4 hours.

I cherished morning routines first more than anything and I became short-sighted about them, I even came to not do my core tasks or the random tasks of life because I didn't want to ruin my morning routines.

I come to forget why morning routine mattered in the first place, and why they are for, to be ready for the day, to have some moments in the day with myself among all the busy hours we give to the world, other people and our work-which do not exist anymore, and to make our selfies awake and all of that.

But I put on all the good stuff a person can get them done in the morning, losing my willpower in my morning decisions, and never caring about the real tasks.

I'm not saying morning routines are bad, but it's the same as not having a life-work balance because you give all the time to work for example, in this case, you give it all to the morning routine, i.e. personal life only -again that's might not be the case for you.

As days progressed I felt more and more annoyed, this's why I came to a decision that I'll pick myself out of this hole.

I'm not saying I'll not have a morning routine, but the aim is to be more okay by not doing it some days because something important else come around, or because I wake up late and there are too many tasks in the day, or even if I didn't wake up late, but I have a lot of tasks or just because I wake up excited to do something that is not included in my morning routine.

I need to get the balance back to my life.

I know I'll not come to neglect my personal life/self-care life to a devastating level or even near, because I was already doing it too long in my life that I believe it's now part of me, of course, this might change but the other intention is to listen to my body and to do it each other time the other circumstances are not available so that I make sure I'm not neglecting this aspect of life altogether.

some questions will arise, so here I'm going to answer them:

  • Will I stop having morning routine/s?

The answer, for now, is no as I'm thinking and intending now.

  • Will I change the one I'm currently doing (the above)?

Maybe yes and maybe no, but the guaranteed thing is that I'll not make it the NO. 1 priority over other life aspects, at least for now, until I restore the balance, and then if I come to neglect it- a very small probability- I'll focus on it more and maybe it'll be the NO. 1 priority, later on, everything is fixable and can be figured out with a little looking back and reflection.

 "everything is fixable and can be figured out with a little looking back and reflection."


  • Why not just simplify it?

I can make it so simple and just simplify it to just drinking water and then start the day for example, but my mind will not call it a morning routine, even though it counts, or can be counted.


The advice here is to not screw up your morning routine/s all over if they are serving their purposes, but to keep things simple and to be more flexible, to be attentive and reflect on how things are all going in your life and adjust as you go.

You know yourself and your life better than anything.

You don't have to stick to a one morning routine forever, you don't have to do it every every single day-is this's ever possible!!-, because what matters at the end is the big picture in life, and all the small things are adding to the bigger picture, those tiny gaps, will not be seen from above, and they are the ones that are gonna make the texture and pull life into your life portrait.

"...because what matters at the end is the big picture in life, and all the small things are adding to the bigger picture, those tiny gaps, will not be seen from above, and they are the ones that are gonna make the texture and pull life into your life portrait."


I'll link a video here that helped me to better realize this point and it has a lot to do with what we talked about here, so give it a look.

This's also another video I think can help, it's not specifically about morning routines, but there is a message in it I want you to see, because you can link it to the day's topic.

So after this read, what do you think guys, do you think the same as me, or do you have different opinions, let's have the little discussion down below.

I'm leaving you for now,


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