7 Happiness secrets

Being happy and staying happy is a desire of many people, If not everyone, there are many ways out there to be happy, so here I'm sharing with you 7 happiness secrets which have worked amazingly to bring happiness to my life and raise my overall level of happiness.

1/ Spend less time on social media

Social media contains a lot of highlights and it can easily get you into the trap of comparison and seeing yourself and your life less than others', thus bringing sadness and depression to your life.

Social media can be useful in the sense it keeps you in touch with what is happening in the world and provide you with ideas and inspiration but in today’s world where everything is available in a finger press, it is so easy to overtake the contents out there.

I’m not even talking about the fact that people out there are so different and they will write whatever comes to their minds, and what they write may easily affect you in a negative way.

The problem with social media is that, it’s so addictive, it gives your brain the satisfaction it craves through releasing dopamine by easily scrolling with your finger in a screen, so it keeps doing it until you reach a point when you feel you want to put your phone away, but it looks like something is preventing you, and this is guys what is known as addiction. 

So listen to your self, because yourself knows when it’s enough scrolling, and notice your mood, so when you feel you started to get trapped into negative loop, give yourself a small talk to stop scrolling, or even if that is not working for you then simply just do it without allowing your mind to come up with excuses and move on to doing something else that can bring you happiness and raise your vibes, so you hit two birds with one stone, getting out of the negative loop and getting in a positive one.

If you are not the type of person who resonates with listening to his or her inner self, then you can set a timer or decide when you’ll get onto social media and when you’ll get off, and follow the rules you set for yourself.

2/ Know your priorities 

Guys if you get something out of this post, please get this one tip, know your priorities please, today’s world made it easy to excess endless amount of things, and the temptations are too tempting, everything seems easy to be done, everything seems to be attractive to be done, and the most dangerous thing is that everything feels important and must be done!

No guys, not everything is important, in reality, most of the things are not worthy of looking at let being important.

When you see those stuff you don’t see one person who has done them all, you see a lot of people doing different things, and usually, the people who are extraordinary at something are expert on it merely and so mediocre at the other stuff. 

You only have 24 hours and you are only one person, so why you put the pressure of getting it all in your shoulder?, I hate saying the word impossible, but guys I believe this is a reality, it’s impossible to do everything, but it’s possible to do anything, and there is a big difference here.

So look at your life and ask yourself what truly matters to me? How I truly want my life to look like? And if you have been left to choose only one thing to focus on in this life what would you choose?
Know that you’re not gonna be an expert in the things which are not important to you as others who chose those things to be their important thing and their focal point, so accept this fact, and be okay with living with it.

The constant feeling of feeling not good at everything is bringing sadness and negative feeling to you, so knowing your priorities and saying No to the temptations is going to let you get enough time to execute on them and leave you with amazing results, which will fill you with happiness.

There are many resources out there that talked about this topic, but I highly recommend the two books: Essentialism and The One Thing.

3/ Be disciplined as you can

It’s difficult to stay committed to what you told yourself you’re going to do despite all life circumstances and the constantly changing mood.

It requires a lot of willpower from you, which is limited, but with time it gets better, as willpower is a muscle that needs to be exercised to get stronger.

I believe in the power of letting yourself slip out, and this may sound contradictory to what discipline is, but those moments of intentionally letting yourself slip out are going to keep the balance in your life and energized you to keep going.

The important thing here is not to think the black-white thinking, and think that if you slipped once that means everything is ruined, allow yourself to come back to the commitment after you get out, don’t wait for the next day, or whatever time to start over, there are more colors other than white and black in this world.

So there must be a standard when you’re allowed to slip out, and tan tan tan, you guessed it, listening to yourself, asking your inner self if this is going to reenergize you, and whether or not this is the best for you? yourself knows all the answers.

And yeah if you’re not that type of person who can do the process of listening to his or her self, then you can schedule rest days or rest hours where you follow no rule and do only what comes to your mind at that moment and according to your mood.

The unfulfilled promises we give to ourselves are impeding the thought that we are not good enough with evidence of always not being committed, and repeated thoughts start to pile up into our subconscious, preventing us from taking any life opportunity we truly crave because we believed we aren’t good enough. Leading us to feel so bad about ourselves, so this is why discipline will reverse the equation and let us feel good and proud of who we are, and thus leading to happiness. 

4/ Know what you love doing and do it more

This tip is going to help you with the first tip of spending less time on social media because the activities which you will discover in this tip will be the stuff you will do instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media.

Notice yourself when you’re happy, what is making you happy in a certain thing, for example, if this thing is playing basketball, ask yourself what is making you happy, is it the game itself, or being in a team, or being around others? Or all of these things? This will help you to come out with more things other than only one thing. For example, you can go out with a friend, you can get in different teams and you can play basketball, these are three things out of one thing.

Doing what you love will raise your vibration, and put you in the moment, where there is no worries and no sadness.

You can write a list of the things you love doing and add to it over time. Then you can make sure you do more of these things by scheduling them out.

Keep your list in an obvious place, so that you remember and get motivated to do some activities from it.

5/ Well-put yourself and space

Imagine not taking a shower for a quit long time than the usual, and your space is in a big mess, everything is thrown around, and the dust is all over the place, even dirty stuff are out there, also add to this having a stinky hair which is overall messed up all around. 

I can’t say everyone will feel the same as I will if being in the above state, but I can tell a lot of you guys can relate, being in this state paralyze you in a very low vibration, you feel so unmotivated to do anything, and you feel like you are hating your body-your vesicle in this world-, and where you stay.

So as I said it’s hard to convince yourself to do anything, but give yourself the command to get the sh*ts together, fight if this is the case for you against the lazy self and put everything together.
It’s hard to wait every time for that miserable state to happen to you to be triggered to know that you have to do something, so as the known wisdom said:

Prevention is better than cure.

So set for yourself daily, weekly and even monthly routines to make sure you’ll stay put together. Of course, you’ll not always stay in a perfect state, but by following routines, you’ll minimize the numbers and intensity of being all messed up.

And from time to time it’s good to feel the amazing feeling of going from a complete mess to being all put together.

6/ Practice gratitude

There is no good or bad in this life as known all over the world, things in their true form aren’t any one of these two categories, it’s all a matter of perspective.

You can look at something and label it as an absolutely amazing thing, but another person-or even you after a mindset shift- can label it as trash.

Practicing gratitude throughout this life which is designed to let you think negatively will help to get you out of this low vibration loop and shift your perspective.

You can keep a gratitude journal and write in it randomly, regularly or whatever you like. 
You can do 10, 5, 3 or whatever numbers of things you’re grateful for.

You can also say it out loud or say it in your head.

you can only say the things you’re grateful for with no details, or you can add details, why you’re are grateful for this specific thing, and even going deeper by asking more whys.

It’s better to go deeper, but staying on the surface is absolutely fine. Listen to yourself, yourself knows better, but if you’re not this type of person, you can set alternating systems or even decide you’re going to follow a specific system.

And by a system, I mean the way of practicing gratitude, time, numbers and intensity. 

7/ The observer effect 

This concept has changed my life 180-degree guys, I believe there is a book titled the same title but I’m not sure.

But basically, it means to step out of your mind and focus on what is happening, without reacting at all.

I know you may not get it from the two lines above, but I’ll try to explain more.

When you overthink and you wish if you are not overthinking, haven’t you ever thought how your mind can be occupied by overthinking and at the same time wants to stop it, this means there are two things there, your mind and that thing which wants to stop overthinking. 

Spiritual teachers call this thing the higher-self or soul or your true self, so this true self is our key, and it is the one that will do the observing process in order for the observer effect to execute.

No matter how your mind or physical self suffers, it’ll not be that much of a deal if your higher self isn’t engaged in that drama, pain or suffering.

So set inner intention to not react and only observe what is going on, you can do this in your daily life, during the daily normal activities, or you can do this while meditating, I believe this type of meditation got a name, but I don’t remember it right now, but basically, you observe what is going on in your body, any tingling, any sensation, you observe your feelings, your thoughts, any sound, any smell, and any taste, you literally observe everything from a neutral point of view.

Practicing observing during the most minutes of pain and suffering is going to help the most. And with time it will get easier and will be automatic.

Your suffering, drama, pain, worrying, stress, anger, being emotional and any excessive feeling will go away. So the scale of being happy will be increased and not even temporarily but in a constant almost permanent way.

So these are the 7 secrets which had helped me really to be deeply happy, I wish if they will do the same for you.

Lots of love to you guys.



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