7 Happiness secrets

Being happy and staying happy is a desire of many people, If not everyone, there are many ways out there to be happy, so here I'm sharing with you 7 happiness secrets which have worked amazingly to bring happiness to my life and raise my overall level of happiness. 1/ Spend less time on social media Social media contains a lot of highlights and it can easily get you into the trap of comparison and seeing yourself and your life less than others', thus bringing sadness and depression to your life. Social media can be useful in the sense it keeps you in touch with what is happening in the world and provide you with ideas and inspiration but in today’s world where everything is available in a finger press, it is so easy to overtake the contents out there. I’m not even talking about the fact that people out there are so different and they will write whatever comes to their minds, and what they write may easily affect you in a negative way. The problem wi...